Avery Brown Week 10 Journal

Avery Brown

This week, I am mostly working in my own little world to develop some tools for our productions.  I never want to repeat last week again, so I am automating as much as I can with python.  Here are some snippets:


# The character Class is the main container for all information relevant to the character.  It takes the parameter from
# the xml element tree and then builds the character from that.  It calls on two other classes, collection and
# mayaObjects.  These should not be constructed directly.  If the xml dom is not formatted correctly, this will fail.
# Setter functions are not necessary since the object is constructed from the xml and should not be changed through this process
# script.

class Character:
    def __init__(self, element):
        self.charName = element.get("name")
        self.charAltName = element.get("altName")

        self.collections = []
        self.mayaObjects = []

        for col in element.findall("collection"):

        for mobj in element.findall("mayaObject"):

    def __str__(self):
        return "{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}".format(self.charName, self.charAltName, self.collections, self.mayaObjects)

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)

    # ---------------------------------------------------
    #                       Getters
    # ---------------------------------------------------

    def get_charName(self):
        return self.charName

    def get_charAltName(self):
        return self.charAltName

    def get_collections(self):
        return self.collections

    def get_mayaObjects(self):
        return self.mayaObjects

    def get_hairMayaFile_by_version(self, version):
        return self._col_by_version(version).hairMayaFile

    def get_xgenFile_by_version(self, version):
        return self._col_by_version(version).get_xgenFile

    def get_default_collection(self):
        for col in self.collections:
            if col.get_version() == "default":
                return col

        # If no matches found
        return self.collections[0]

    def get_default_mayaObjects(self):
        for mobj in self.mayaObjects:
            if mobj.get_version() == "default":
                return mobj

        # If no matches found
        return self.mayaObjects[0]

    # ---------------------------------------------------
    #                     Helpers
    # ---------------------------------------------------

    def _col_by_version(self, version):
        for col in self.collections:
            if col.get_version() == version:
                return col

        # If no matches found
        return None

    def _mobj_by_version(self, version):
        for mobj in self.mayaObjects:
            if mobj.get_version() == version:
                return mobj

        # If no matches found
        return None

# Generates character objects from the xml file
# Returns a list of all of the character classes

def generate_characters(xml_file):
    xml_tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
    root = xml_tree.getroot()

    character_objs = []
    for child in root:

    return character_objs

Hours Breakdown:

  • Compositing – 7:30
  • Website Admin – 0:30
  • Technical Directing – 21:00
  • Adviser Meeting – 3:00
  • Group Meeting – 0:30

Total: 22:30

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